Karnataka 2nd PUC 2024 result out for Exam 1, time table for PUC April/ May exams released
Karnataka 2nd PUC 2024 result: The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) today declared the results for the pre university certificate (II PUC) exam 1. This year, the Karnataka Board II PUC exams will be held as Exams 1, 2 and 3 to “reduce stress and anxiety among students and to create better education and employment opportunities for them.”

While the Karnataka PUC exam 1 was held between March 1 and 22 and the results are announced today, the second and third exams are set to be held in April/ May and July respectively. 
As per the schedule announced by the board today, the Karnataka PUC II exam 2 will be conducted between April 29 to May 16.  The first exam will start with the Kannada, history, Arabic and physics papers. 
Till last year, the board was conducting one annual examination and one supplementary examination. The board now wants to replace ‘Supplementary Examination’ with the system of ‘Annual Examination 1, 2, and 3’, thus giving three opportunities to the students to increase their overall performance and promote a positive attitude. 
For Karnataka PUC II examinations, the exams will be held in two shifts — morning and evening. The first shift will be held between 10:15 am and 1:30 pm, while the next shift will begin at 2:15 pm. Most papers will be held in the first shift only.